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how to boost immune system naturally | 7 tips to improve immunity

Current trending topic in the world in health category is How to boost immune system naturally ?

During this Covid-19 pandemic period everyone is curious to know how to boost immune system.
So here we are ready for you to give some tips on boosting immunity naturally.

To have a stronger immune system is very very important. If your immunity decreases it may cause diseases like cold, cough and dangerous diseases like cancer, TB etc.

how to boost immune system naturally | 7 tips to improve immunity.

Ayurveda suggests many natural ways to help in boosting immunity. Ayurveda is the way to live life healthy and peacefully. So here we will discuss ayurvedic methods on How to boost our immune system naturally?

Lord Krishna clarifies in 'Bhagawad Gita' (Chapter 6 and shloka 16) that eating to much or starving and sleeping to much or remaining awake all the time is not health friendly.

1) Eat a healthy diet

    Way of living and most importantly the choice of food is reflection of individual disposition.

Good food is like serene and it creates sense of happiness and satisfaction. Good food blesses a person with good vibes, good health and satisfaction.
Eat vegetarian food as much as you can. Avoid eating spicy, Very salty and Very sweet food.

Take a look at what Krishna says about diet in bhagawad gita.

Rasyah snigdhah sthira hrdya
Aharah sattvika-priyah
Ahara rajasasyeesta
Yata-yamam gata-rasam
Puti paryusitam ca yat
Ucchistam api camedhyam
Bhojanam tamasa-priyam

Meaning   -    Foods in the mode of goodness increase the duration of life, purity one’s existence and give strength, health, happiness and satisfaction. Such nourishing foods are sweet, juicy, fatty and palatable. Foods that are too bitter, too sour, salty, pungent, dry and hot are liked by people in the modes of passion. Such foods cause pain, distress and disease. Food cooked more than three hours before eaten which is tasteless, stale, putrid, decomposed and unclean is the food which is liked by people in the mode of ignorance.

IN Indian villages there is one saying that  “ Have a breakfast like you are a king (meaning- eat more food which is necessary to complete work of whole day ahead), Have a lunch just to eat (leaving some space for food in stomach) and Have a dinner like you are a beggar (means if you want to eat, eat very less or don’t eat at dinner).

In each meal you consume try to add vitamins and proteins in the form of fruits. Vitamin C is essential to boost your immune system. Deficiency of vitamin C may increase infection possibility. 

Include food which can improve quality and quantity of essential nutrients. Add Fruits and veggies, salads, carrots, broccoli, spinach, kiwi, strawberries, blackberries. Drink amla juice once a day. Amla juice is the best source of vitamin C.

Ayurveda suggests that you should have your dinner before 6:00 PM. If you are hungry after that time eat a fruit or drink cold or warm milk according to season.

2) Take good quality sleep (At least 6 hours a day)

Sleeping is biological process which is necessary to re energize body and mind. Lord Shri Krishna in bhagawad gita recommends ‘avoidance of too little sleep and avoidance of too much sleep also’.

In this day to day fast running life people are simply ignoring their sleep. Sleep patterns must be definite and regular in order to increase Immunity.

There are simple things which you can follow to get good quality sleep.

1)     Correct your sleeping schedule – Ayurveda suggest that you must sleep at 9:00 PM and wake in the early morning at ‘Brahma Muhurta’ that is in between 3:30 to 4:30 AM.

2)     Keep in mind that ayurveda is the way of live. It teaches you how to live life healthy and pure physically as well as mentally. So you can follow daily routine explained in ayurveda.

3)     Have a dinner before 7:00 PM at least. It will improve your sleep quality.

4)     After dinner walk for at least 10-15 minutes. In India people call it as ‘Shatpavali’ that is 100 steps walk after having dinner. Don’t walk more as you are not exercising. Walking more can disturb your sleep.

5)     Avoid using electronic objects half an hour before sleeping.

6)      Turn off light of your room or lit a minimum watt bulb.

These are the simple steps people knowingly avoid and as a result they disturb sleep patterns.

Sleep is required to boost your body to work all the day.
Good sleep will result in full energy for your next day

3) Exercise daily to boost immune system

Several studies says that exercising regularly helps in boosting your mood as well as immunity.

how to boost immune system naturally | 7 tips to improve immunity.

 Regular exercise is must. You can do yoga or go to gym or walk/run in the park or on treadmill. One should prefer doing exercise outside so that he will get plenty of vitamin D in the form of sun energy and fresh air to feel fresh for entire day.
Vitamin D is very useful for your immunity as well as for your skin.

Ayurveda recommends you to exercise on daily basis. You may prefer any kind of exercise. Exercise makes the body feel light and can help person to feel enthusiastic for the day. Ayurveda says exercise must be done till the body gets sweated.

There are lots of benefits of regular exercising. It helps in digestion of food, helps in absorbing helpful nutrients like proteins and amino acids, build strength, boosts metabolism etc.

Ayurveda recommends that we should exercise during kapha time of day, from about 6 AM to 10 AM and 6 PM to 10 PM.

4) Don’t take stress and avoid stressful activities

In this day to day life stress is becoming a part of daily life. But long term stress can harm you in wrong way. Long term stress reduces steroid harmone cortisol level. Long term stress results in headache and depression as well.

There are many effective ways to reduce stress. You can prefer meditation and can have ayurvedic herbal medicines to reduce stress.

There are many ways answered in ayurveda for the question Howto boost immune system naturally ?

Ashwagandha is one of the herbal product helpful in reducing stress and recovering your mood immediately.

Yoga is preferable method to reduce stress. There are many societies like YSSIsha Yoga centrePatanjali yoga centre in India which are providing yoga knowledge to lead life healthy and with zero stress. They are providing online yoga classes for the world.

Start with a small stress reducing exercise. Start with 5 minutes a day and increase time day by day.

5)  Drink plenty of water / stay hydrated

Drink plenty of water. Drinking water does not help you boost immunity but helps you maintain your health.

You can reduce your health problems related to stomach and heart by drinking plenty water.

You can drink tea, juice time to time in a day.

6 ) Don’t smoke cigarettes and Don’t drink alcohol

Drinking high amount of alcohol or smoking most times a day can show negative side effects on health and body.

People who drink high amount of alcohol have high stress, health related issues, liver diseases.

As like side effects of drinking alcohol there are many side effects of smoking cigarette are there.

Smoking cigarette can harm your lungs and body.

Cigarette and alcohol reduces your immunity.

7 ) Ayurvedic products to boost immune system

Don’t struggle with the problem of How to boost immune system naturally ? because ayurvedic products found to be very useful in solving your problems.

To increase immune system have Giloy juice two times a day. Giloy is also called as Amrita.
Giloy is found to be useful in curing cough, cold, heart problems and deadly cancers also.

Include garlic in your food -

Immunity booster which is mostly familiar to Indians is Garlic. They use Garlic in their daily food. Earlier civilization used garlic to fight against infection. Garlic have properties to boost immunity. Garlic can also used in reducing blood pressure. Garlic is must to include in your daily food habits.

Ginger -  Another familiar category

Ginger is like home medicine. It have properties to boost immune system naturally. It may used in curing nausea.

Ashwagandha –

Ashwagandha is called as the king of ayurvedic herbs.

Ashwagandha can be stated as one of the traditional medicinal herb used in India. Ashwagandha has most significance.

Most of the studies says that ashwagandha has anti-anxiety content. Ashwagandha is used to put in control the level of cortisol which is a stress hormone. 

Fruits that can boost immune system

how to boost immune system naturally | 7 tips to improve immunity


Summary –

Immunity can be increased by many ways at the same time it can be stabilized at a stage so that it can not reduced down from that stage. We have discussed the methods on how to boost immune system naturally? We can increase immunity by taking proper sleep, having proper diet plan, consuming more amount of green vegetables.

We can boost immunity with ayurvedic products and healthy diet and by following certain precautions like not drinking alcohol and smoking cigarette.

 At last during this Covid – 19 period Stay home and stay safe…………


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