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Ayurveda body type- vata -pitta- kapha | Diet | Bi-doshic and Tri-doshic

                  This post contains information on Ayurveda body type for men as well as women, Classification of body types, Body type analysis. Diet for various body types.

 What is doshas in ayurveda?
               You might have noticed differences in the people like behavioural difference, physical difference, emotional difference. Let's do say your two friends are A and B. A is joyful person and B is very stressed in same situation. Any one of them is heperactive and another one is very calm. Any one have strong immune system and another one is always ill.
So question arises here is what makes the difference in these two. So Ayurveda is ready to answer your questions with three doshas: vata, pitta and kapha.
Doshas are dunamic energy found in human body and mind which provides every human being separate individuality. All these three doshas found in everyone and everywhere but different proportion of these doshas contribute to differences in physical and mental nature.

        The basic blocks of this beautiful world are five elements : Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth.

Vata is composed of space and air,

Pitta is composed of fire and water

and Kapha of earth and water.

            Vata body type will have qualities of space and air that is hyperactive, quick and thin. Similarly pitta body type will have qualities of fire and water like fiery personality and oily skin and kapha body type will have qualities of earth and water like calm temperament.
You might have noticed that we make our lifestyle in such a way that is satisfies our nature or our body type and if you don't follow this lifestyle you may feel physical or mental illness.

The three doshas and their characteristics.
         Each dosha have a unique personality which is determined by combination of elements and qualities.

So let us discuss this one by one in detail.

Vata body type
Vata is called as King of all doshas as it governs body's grater life force and gives motion to pitta and kapha.  Vata is like wind it governs 'movement', like flow of breath in the body, heart pulsation, muscle contraction and relaxation. Vata body type personalities are mentally and physically active, they love meeting new people and travelling.

Imbalance in vata dosha :-
          It creates fear, anxiety, loneliness. It can create high reduction in energy. They commonly experience cold hand and feet, constipation, dry skin etc.
Pitta body type 
Pitta is composed fire and water which makes pitta type personalities strong and intense. They are natural leaders and fast learners. Pitta governs conversion and transformation throughout the body. pitta governs joy, courage, willpower, mental atability.

Imbalance in pitta dosha:- 
         Imbalance causes angriness, jealousy, criticism. For physical imbalance creates organs and tissue related disorders, skin related problems.
  For balance pittas need to balance their temperament and use it in productive way.

Kapha body type
The influence of earth and waters makes this type personalities stable, calm and loyal. These personalities are natural athletes if they excercise regularly.

Imbalance in kapha dosha:-
      When imbalanced this type of personalities can become demotivated, stubborn. Their metabolism tends slower.
 They benefit from exposing themselves to new environment and people   
Diet and precautions for different body types   


                    Maximum number of people are of this type. This constitutes two doshas like vata-pitta, pitta-kapha and vata-kapha in one personality. One dosha dominates other in certain situation and another dosha dominates in certain situation. To manage these doshas in vata season don't consume vata increasing regimen and same for pitta and kapha.


             Tri-doshic have equal amount of all doshas influence. They are very strong, and stable.


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